Header Notice Board May 2021


 Relevant Information

pdf'We are in the 3rd wave. Buckle up'- Health Minister Zweli Mkhize's SOS on COVID19 to provinces 12 May 2021

pdfStatement on Rising COVID Cases (South Africa) (12 May 2021)

pdfGauteng hits COVID-19 third wave (14 May 2021)

pdfHighly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI H5N1) Outbreak Alert from Directorate Animal Health, DALRRD 

pdfThe report from the High-Level Panel that was appointed to review policies, regulatory measures,practices and policy positions that are related to hunting, trade, captive keeping, management and handling of elephant, lion, leopard and rhinoceros was released on 2 May 2021. Statement by Minister Creecytatement by Minister Creecy



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“No matter how few possessions you own or how little money you have, loving wildlife and nature will make you rich beyond measure.” - Paul Oxton

If happiness consist in the number of pleasing emotions that occupy our mind, how true it is that the contemplation of nature is one of the great sources of happiness.” - Thomas Belt, Naturalist.


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