Facility Resources


As we enter a whole new world where we need to incorporate an 'unseen partner', requirements to meet legislative and health needs are enormous. In an effort to relieve some burden for the African wildlife industry, PAAZA has developed some tools to assist everyone with addressing OHS regulations Regionally and thereby ensuring trhe health and safety of staff, visitors and ultimately the animals in our care in a 'Controlled Environment' - ex-situ supporting in-situ conservation.
In addition, PAAZA also offers a range of suitably certified consumables and equipment which are sourced directly from manufacturers and in line with PAAZA's ECO friendly policy. 




One Health Resources Notices 1One Health Resources Notices 2One Health Resources Notices 3

One Health Resources Notices 4One Health Resources Notices 5One Health Resources Notices 6

pdfDownload Notices pack here




One Health Resources Signage 1 One Health Resources Signage 2 One Health Resources Signage 3

One Health Resources Signage 5 One Health Resources Signage 4 

One Health Resources Signage 7 One Health Resources Signage 6 One Health Resources Signage 8

pdfDownload Signage pack here



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pdfDownload document here



In an effort to save facilities time, we have collated SoP's specifically geared to incorporating SARS-CoV-2 into the daily operations of wildlife facilities. The SoP's are based on various local, regional and international guidelines as well as Operational Health and Safety Acts. We are offering these as 'free to download' below:


pdfSoP1 - Entrance/Cashier                                                pdfSoP2 - Bathrooms/Ablutions

pdfSoP3 - Animal Enclosure                                                pdfSoP4 - Common Room

pdfSoP5 - Office                                                                     pdfSoP6 - Staff Entrance / Exit

pdfSoP7 - Storage / Courier / Stocks                                    pdfSoP8 - Medical Room

pdfSoP9 - Quarantine Room                                                  pdfSoP10 - Tea Garden / Restaurant

pdfSoP11 - Guided Tours / School Groups                           pdfSoP12 - Animal Interaction

pdfSoP13 - Hand Rearing Facilities                                       pdfSoP14 - Attractions without Animals

pdfSoP15 - Visitor Pathways                                                  pdfSoP16 - Staff Training

pdfSoP17 - Waste Mangement Area / Biohazard Bins         pdfSoP18 - Animal Kitchen


SRE Sanitizer 20 May 2020

pdfDownload Consumables list here



Equipment Ver2 13 June

pdfDownload Equipment list here

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“No matter how few possessions you own or how little money you have, loving wildlife and nature will make you rich beyond measure.” - Paul Oxton

If happiness consist in the number of pleasing emotions that occupy our mind, how true it is that the contemplation of nature is one of the great sources of happiness.” - Thomas Belt, Naturalist.


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